I had my paws in front of my eyes for most the journey down to Pinamar - the Argentines drive like madmen. As Lorna said - road markings are mostly there for decoration rather than for guiding the traffic. The taxi driver who took Gary, Paul and myself to the car rental place literally squeezed himself through the gaps between two cars and told us we were mad for attempting to drive in Argentina...
Anyway, it took a lot of time, patience and some small miracles to get the hire car (although not the one that we ordered), all in all about 50 minutes (!) and then to make sure that we had adequate insurance to cover the dings and scratches that I think that we are going to get over the next couple of days! We were however solemly informed that we would incur a charge of 12,000 pesos (27,000 SEK / 2,300 GBP) if we rolled the car.... Not planning on doing that.
We picked up Kiran at the airport and then headed down to the beach resort that I talked about earlier. You get an impression of just how huge the country is when you drive just a small distance on the map and it takes over four hours. Still we had some cheesy music to sing along to whilst on the road, so it made the time pass...
When we got to Pinamar, a massive rain storm had just passed through, as you can see from the photo - the road is in a shocking state. But I think that the place has potential for some tanning - nothing quite as attractive as a bear with a sun tan ;-) Room is nice, and has a sea view, and so hopefully tomorrow we will be able to do some lazing on the beach!
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