So today, we got a bit more action. It is still quite warm in England, about 9oC and so nice for walks on the beach. And it hasn't rained, which has to be a record for this part of the world...
Paul was working most of the day, but he decided to take a break from the translations and other stuff he was working on to go for a lunch time walk on the beach - so I got to be a beach bear today. Long may it continue, can I say.
Anyway, I found out that the rock formations are metamorphic in this part of the world, because of a massive granite injection (you think that I am making this up), in the centre of Devon and Cornwall (Exmoor, Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor) so all the sedimentary rock gets compacted and burnt, just like in a furnace. OK, all ready - I've been on my own for a couple of days, I turned to the research. Here - get it for yourselves...
Anyway, I thought that the countryside was beautiful - certainly nothing like what we have in Sweden, and it reminded me of those period dramas that the British do so well on TV... Well, check it out for yourself!
Otherwise, fixed some more stuff for Argentina - a gaucho bear needs a horse, dammit, so I fixed some riding stuff. Also, getting the wine stuff sorted for Mendoza so that I can go to some excellent vineyards whilst I am there. Still got Christmas to look forward to, already eating Maalox / Samarin for the Christmas pudding - still Sidekick seems like he is catching up on all the sleep he never got this year... Don't know if I signed up for this kind of holiday...
The blogg that is after this one is soooo tedious that my eyelids instantly closed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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