Of course, I wasn't there but Sidekick was so full of it when he came back that I think I got most of it. Buenos Aires is a MASSIVE city - there are more people living here than in Sweden and Norway put together, I think - I might be wrong. Anyway, a lot of people... Paul and Gary wandered around for a bit in the Claro district of the city and drank a lot of Quilmes apparently (which is probably the reason why I got such a good description when they got back). Apparently, the city has a good US grid system (not sure which came first, Argentina or US), and then it has touches of Paris - which I think is why Paul's friend Sabrina likes Paris so much...
Some of the buildings are amazing - here is a Quilmes fuelled shot of the Congress, the Argentine parliament building... but the sheer vastness of the place is unbelievable. I am sure we are going to have to take a guide next time just to get round all the stuff that we have to see.
Everybody else went out for a really nice meal last night and to catch up - which was nice, and today we leave our boutique hotel and head to Pinamar to just lie on the beach and have some fun. I think that there will be horse riding and some sampling of wines! So far so good, guys!
Oh and just to prove that I am here! here is a shot of me with Sidekick, just before they go out to dinner...
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