This is it folks, the final installment in the trip to Argentina. Paul finally got to be the gaucho that he really wanted to be, but at the same time realised that he is quite allergic to horses and now has two bloodshot eyes. Still at least he got the photos! And how I laughed.
All was not smooth however, Lorena, the wine tour guide from yesterday had assured us that we would be back at 5pm so that we could catch our flight at 7pm. This morning however when we got in the bus, Carlos - today's guide, and utterly unprofessional in my view - told us we wouldn't get back until 7pm which caused a bit of concern. Then there was discussion of catching a bus at 2pm, which was highly unlikely when we got the horseriding place in the foothills of the Andes at 11:30 for a two hour ride... So we had to get him to order a car at vast expense... Oh well.
The tour itself was great - Paul wished he had worn trousers as he kept getting attacked by the thistles, but the scenery and the horses were excellent. Our nationality of the day was Belgian as we had a couple from Antwerp along for the ride, Bart and Katrien - picture of Katrien is attached!
Might have to collect myself for a couple of moments and think about the trip, and I will post some final thoughts from Santiago whilst waiting in the lounge. So until then hasta luego Argentina as I am definitely coming back again. With or without an allergic sidekick...